Now Look At The
Difference In These
Amateur Swings
Compared To Mine…
This player has all his weight
loaded on his left side… and his
shoulders, hips, and knees are all
on different planes…
This player is only using his arms
to take the club back…
disconnecting from his hidden
power plane…
This student is under-rotating and
completely missing the
hidden power plane…
The truth is…
If your swing is off the power plane like these players…
That’s probably why you’re struggling to reach your full genetic potential for distance…
And why your drives are landing up to 30 yards behind your golfing buddies…
And also why you’re struggling to ever reach par 5s in two…
But here’s the good news…
I’m Going To Get YOU Into
The Hidden Power Plane…
…All by using this simple
Power Plane Drill that
your club through the impact
zone — with the
ast amount
of moving effort
While traditional swing
training can be
effective… it
requires you to
focus on your
arms, shaft,
and path individually
to stay
on the right plane…
But this is different…
Because The 60-Second
Power Plane
Simplifies The Swing…
… getting your body into its most natural position for maximum distance…
Which means there are far fewer moving parts to the swing…
This makes it a simpler, more repeatable technique for you…
This also means your body can naturally stabilize…
…and allow your bigger golf muscles to fire and explode through the impact zone.
Here’s What Happens
Using The Hidden
Power Plane:
BEFORE using the Power Plane Drill, these players hit 5 drives in a row… and not one went farther than 225 yards…
Here’s What Happens
Using The Hidden
Power Plane:
This player even shocked me…
He hit 10 balls back to back all flying at least 255 yards. That’s a 20 yard dispersion!
And it wasn’t just him…
The Second Player Gained
25 Yards
After Using The
Power Plane Drill:
And The Third Player…
Well, I’ll Let The
Speak For Themselves:
That’s how you can be sure this 60-second power plane drill will lock you into YOUR hidden power plane…
… and easily put your club into the most effective plane for YOUR swing.
- Your backswing will be loaded
with explosive power…
- Your precision through the
impact zone will generate pure,
- And your follow-through will be
balanced and on target…
Ultimately, you’ll have simplified the swing down to its core…
And it’ll be much more difficult to make all the usual mistakes…
Because you’re no longer thinking about:
- Taking the club inside…
- Getting your arms extended from
the body…
- Making sure your angle of attack is
You’ll Simply Be Focusing
On This
One Simple
Technique To
You’re Connected To
The Hidden Power Plane…
Giving you up to 30 yards of extra distance…
Not to mention, accuracy like you’ve never had before…
So how does this 60-second Power Plane Drill work?
I’ll walk you through it step-by-step right now…
For the first part of my Power Plane Drill…
If you can hold your arms out like wings…
And picture the famous Da Vinci man — like this…
…then you can easily fire the chain reaction — at the beginning of your swing...
… for perfect balance, weight transfer, and ultimate power shift…
… so you can start and end the swing…
… on your natural hidden power plane — for maximum distance.
When you do this for the first time…
You’ll quickly see just how far off-plane your swing has been…
… for the entire time you’ve been playing the game.
And in the short time it takes you to do this part of the drill — you’ll be well on your way to fixing this once and for all…
For the second part of the Power Plane Drill…
You’re going to hold two clubs in your hands… and match them up in a way that I’ll show you how to do…
So you can quickly override other negative swing habits causing you to get off plane…
… even those that have been troubling you for years or decades…
Because this drill gives you instant sensory feedback…
… so you never hit a ball again without 100% confidence you’re locked into the hidden power plane…
The best part is…
This Feedback Will
“Autocorrect” Both
Backswing And
… without you ever thinking about how you take the club back…
… at what angle you set the club…
Or how your arms and shaft need to move around the body…
This part of the drill…
… instantly locks your swing onto the hidden power plane…
Adding Up To 30 Yards Of
Extra Distance
This one simple 60-second Power Plane Drill…
Can be done in your living room, backyard, garage, or on the range…
And you can practice it as many times as you need to perfect it…
… even on the course, as a pre-shot routine…
… to trick and silence your mind…
… so that your body moves on its natural hidden power plane…
… leading to perfectly flush contact — time and time again.
I’ve done this drill so many times in front of the mirror in my bathroom…
It’s become automatic in my body and swing…
I Still Use It To This Very Day
And I attribute my ability to continue striking
the ball at a high level…
… to its incredible effectiveness.
So the only question is: are you willing to
spend 60 seconds when you practice to add
up to 30 yards to your drives?
Because after you complete this Power Plane
Drill… you’re ready to activate the hidden
power plane into your game…
… and start watching your ball launch off the
clubface — flying farther and straighter than
ever before.
Just Look at This Player’s
And here’s the news you’ve been waiting for…
I can show YOU how to get into YOUR hidden power plane… and activate all the extra power and unrealized distance hidden in your swing…
… simply by accessing what I call…
The Power Plane
… which I’m going to give you access to TODAY — right now — without you risking a single penny.
This new online video training series is already helping players gain up to 30 yards more distance…
Because this Masterclass teaches you how to leverage your hidden power plane using my 60-second Power Plane Drill…
So you can quickly and easily lock your body and arms into the most powerful position for:
- More distance
- Dominating ball-striking
- And game-changing consistency
Inside The Power Plane
I’ve Created A
Simple Process
That Will
Work For Any Golfer Of
Any Age Or Skill Level…
That’s why when Performance Golf approached me about creating the Power Plane Masterclass — I was both intrigued and excited.
Because they’re well-known in the industry for producing high-end video training that not only looks good… but delivers results.
While I already have a great legacy as a player… this was my chance to further leave a legacy as a coach, helping amateurs reach their full potential for maximum distance.
So we took a professional film crew
out on the course with us in
… to capture all the details of my
60-second power plane Drill in
high-quality HD video…
Their team spared no expense, using
three $45,000 cameras…
Capturing multiple camera angles,
and slow-motion shots…
So you don’t miss a single detail.
These Videos Walk You
How To Use The
Power Plane Drill
Step-By-Step To Quickly
Your Ball Striking…
So you can start smashing your drives farther off the tee.
I’ve never released this Power Plane Masterclass publicly…
And in the next few months, it’s going to change hundreds of thousands of golfers’ lives…
I want YOU to be one of the first… you deserve that for sticking with me here today.
So right here, right now, I’m giving you INSTANT online access to the Power Plane Masterclass…
You’re going to be one of the first people to say Sir Nick Faldo helped you tap into the hidden power plane…
And your buddies will be begging to know your secret…
Because in less than one minute from now, from your computer, smartphone, or tablet…
You can sign in to your exclusive online members’ portal from anywhere in the world.
You Have LIFETIME Access
This Exclusive Training
So you can watch these video lessons at your convenience… and watch them as many times as you want.
It’s like having me right there by your side… actually it’s better than having me right there…
Because I’m going to walk you through the Power Plane Masterclass, step-by-step.
And I’ve covered every possible question you could have…
Questions that we would never have enough time to cover in person.
That’s Why Feedback On
Video Lessons Has
Started Pouring In…
Now, I could just give you the Power Plane Masterclass and send you on your way with the most flush contact you’ve ever hit in your life… up to 30 yards more distance…
And the confidence that the hidden power plane will give you consistent, laser-like accuracy off the tee…
But as a new member of my inner circle, I want to make sure you end up playing the best golf of your life… and master ALL aspects of the game.
Which is why I’m adding a special bonus when you get started today…
And that’s not all…
I’m including another extremely valuable bonus…
When you join us TODAY, on this page.
You’re Also Getting
Exclusive Access
To My
“Faldo Fitness Secrets”
Video Series
I’m giving you a behind-the-scenes pass into my daily routine and fitness formula…
You’re getting my series of never-before-seen at-home fitness videos that walk you through my 6 power secrets that I practice every day to stay at peak performance.
As we get older, it’s even more important to have simple, easy power moves to keep the body primed.
And I’m NOT talking about spending hours in the gym.
These are 6 easy biomechanical drills you can do in your house, at the office, or on the range that will…
- Strengthen the specific golf muscles to increase your distance even
- Improve your balance…
- Help you feel loose…
- And further boost your consistency.
If you’re looking for longevity in your golf game… Follow these videos to a tee.
They’ll help you gain even more distance as you age…
Plus, You’ll Be Able To
18 Holes On Saturday
And Be Ready To
Rock For
Another 18 Sunday Morning…
Here’s how it works:
Go to the Faldo Fitness Secrets video lessons…
And follow along as I walk you through the exact distance-producing stretches and moves I’m doing right now.
You’ll simply login into your members’ area…
No special equipment needed and no need for an expensive gym membership.
Using these videos, you’ll see even more gains in distance than you’ll already have after using my Power Plane Drill…
The Faldo Fitness Secrets are the perfect complement to the Power Plane Masterclass…
I would normally charge up to $197 to access this training…
But Today, When You Get
With The Power
Plane Masterclass…
It’s Yours FREE
The only catch is…
This bonus and discount are only available on this page for a very limited time.
So you’re not going to want to miss this…
Between the Power Plane Masterclass… the Faldo Fitness Secrets bonus… and Scratch Club…
The only questions you probably have at this point are…
#1 – What do I need to do to get started?
#2 – How much is this going to cost?
Well, fortunately, the process is simple and easy…
And, I’m Not Going To
Ask You To Pay A Small
You’re not even going to pay $197…
Which is the price this video training will be listed at on the main website.
Because as a way of saying thank you for reading this page…
I’m handing you the complete Power Plane Masterclass…
Everything you need to start tapping into the hidden power plane — for flush contact and up to 30 yards more distance…
For just one payment of $57.
That’s less than 1% of what it costs for an hour of time at my day rate.
Click The Button Below To
Started And End Your
Battle With
Short Mishit
Here’s Everything You’re
Getting When You Access the
Power Plane Masterclass Today
Including 2 FREE bonuses
worth $294
PLUS Our No-Risk 365-Day, 100%
Money Back
Guarantee and Our
Unconditional Refund Policy

Power Plane Masterclass
Video Training
Discover how to use Sir Nick’s 60-Second Power Plane Drill to add 30+ yards off the tee and the most consistent ball-striking of your life. This is the first time the hidden power plane is ever being revealed publicly. Lifetime access to Sir Nick’s most exclusive technique and video training.
PRICE: $197.00 Only $57
Faldo Fitness Secrets (FREE)
Get Sir Nick’s behind-the-scenes at-home fitness videos that walk you through step-by-step the 6 power secrets to practice every day to maintain peak performance. These are the exact stretches and moves Sir Nick uses to maximize his large golf muscles and get the most out of the hidden power plane. Watch this series to gain even more distance off the tee.
PRICE: $197.00 FREE
14-Day Pass To Exclusive
“Scratch Club”
Scratch Club 14-Day Free Pass – Advanced tools and training to drop 5 strokes from your handicap. (14 days FREE, then $19/month. Cancel anytime)
PRICE: $97.00 FREE
TOTAL VALUE: $491.00
(Save $434.00 today with this limited
time special offer)
Yes, Add 30 Yards
To My Drives
Click Here to Tap Into Sir Nick’s Hidden Power Plane That Gives You The
Most Consistent Ball-Striking And An Extra 30 Yards Off The Tee
(Even If You’ve Been Struggling With Distance For Decades)
This discount offer expires on
365-Day 100% Money-Back
And Unconditional
Refund Policy
Here’s What Happens
When You Order
You’ll be taken to our secure checkout page where you’ll enter your basic information.
It only takes about 30 seconds, and once you’re done — you’ll be given instant access to our special “members only” portal…
Where you’ll be able to immediately view the step-by-step Power Plane Masterclass training videos…
Along with the advanced Scratch Club bonus training to drop your scores even more…
And the Faldo Fitness Secrets to get your body primed to get even more distance out of every drive.
Depending on what time of day it is for you…
You could watch the training today…
Head to the range this afternoon…
And start practicing the Power Plane Drill…
… that locks you into the hidden power plane once and for all.
You’ll hit shot after shot….
Farther… straighter… with more consistency.
And if you’re still thinking…
“Sir Nick, What If This
Doesn’t Work For Me?”
Well, in the extremely unlikely event that occurs — Performance Golf is giving you a…
365-Day “Get More
Distance or It’s
100% Money-Back
PLUS, our unconditional
refund policy…
That means you can try this out completely risk-free… and take up to an entire YEAR to decide how much you love it.
This is the most generous guarantee we can offer…
When you click the button below to get started today…
If you’re not completely happy with the pure, flush shots you’re hitting…
With the extra yards you’ve gained…
And with how much more fun you’re having playing the game of golf…
All you have to do is send us an email any time within the next YEAR to…
And our trained customer support staff will give you a FULL 100% refund, no questions asked.
Still, we don’t anticipate that happening…
Rather, I Expect You To Get
Like All My Other
So click the button below, and take advantage of this deal today:
Because this is your chance…
Right now you have a decision to make that will have a permanent effect on your distance off the tee.
And when you think about it, you really only have 2 options.
You already know what happens when you choose the first option and do nothing…
Your game — and driving distance — will be in exactly the same place 6 months from now…
Or the second option, which really makes the most sense…
Invest In The Power Plane
Masterclass… And Save
Months Or Even
Years Of Suffering
Still Getting Nowhere)…
Allow ME to take all the risk for you…
All you have to do is click the button below to get access to the Power Plane Masterclass, so you can use the Power Plane Drill for immediate results.
Watch the videos… practice it… then head over to your range… tee up your first ball…
And watch what happens!
Do all that knowing it’s your one and only completely RISK-FREE opportunity to fix your poor contact and distance issues for good…
Think about it…
I’m asking you to use a 60-Second Drill to transform your ability to make flush contact… add distance…
… and finally fix the inconsistency in your bag…
It won’t take long before that rush of confidence starts flowing through you…
The Confidence Of
That You’re
Swinging Along The
Hidden Power Plane — The
Natural Swing Plane
For You
Ultimately the choice is yours, but whatever you decide, you’ve got to choose now.
Click the button below this page to go inside the Power Plane Masterclass today…
If you’ve listened to me commentating at the PGA Tour events each week, you know that I’m candid in my approach…
So I’ll be frank with you:
There’s really no need to go on struggling with a lack of distance off the tee.
And there’s no need to guess… by trying to figure it all out yourself through years of trial-and-error.
Because I’ve already done all the hard work for you…
I’ve Made It EASY To Gain
Distance And
Your Ball-Striking
I hit thousands of balls for decades…
So you don’t have to go through that pain and struggle…
No more spinning your wheels…
No more making the same mistakes…
And no more getting the same scores you’ve been getting… round after round.
There are only 10 seconds left until this presentation ends.
Click here to grab Power Plane Masterclass now.
… and ADD up to 30 yards to your drives TODAY.
I’m Sir Nick and I’ll see you on the inside.
To Hitting Longer Drives and Making Flush Contact,
Sir Nick Faldo
6-Time Major Champion
World #1 for 98 Weeks
CBS Commentator
Here’s Everything You’re
Getting When You Access the
Power Plane Masterclass Today
Including 2 FREE bonuses
worth $294
PLUS Our No-Risk 365-Day, 100%
Money Back
Guarantee and Our
Unconditional Refund Policy

Power Plane Masterclass
Video Training
Discover how to use Sir Nick’s 60-Second Power Plane Drill to add 30+ yards off the tee and the most consistent ball-striking of your life. This is the first time the hidden power plane is ever being revealed publicly. Lifetime access to Sir Nick’s most exclusive technique and video training.
PRICE: $197.00 Only $57
Faldo Fitness Secrets (FREE)
Get Sir Nick’s behind-the-scenes at-home fitness videos that walk you through step-by-step the 6 power secrets to practice every day to maintain peak performance. These are the exact stretches and moves Sir Nick uses to maximize his large golf muscles and get the most out of the hidden power plane. Watch this series to gain even more distance off the tee.
PRICE: $197.00 FREE
14-Day Pass To Exclusive
“Scratch Club”
Scratch Club 14-Day Free Pass – Advanced tools and training to drop 5 strokes from your handicap. (14 days FREE, then $19/month. Cancel anytime)
PRICE: $97.00 FREE
TOTAL VALUE: $491.00
(Save $434.00 today with this limited
time special offer)
Yes, Add 30 Yards
To My Drives
Click Here to Tap Into Sir Nick’s Hidden Power Plane That Gives You The
Most Consistent Ball-Striking And An Extra 30 Yards Off The Tee
(Even If You’ve Been Struggling With Distance For Decades)
This discount offer expires on
365-Day 100% Money-Back
And Unconditional
Refund Policy